Hartmuts tour List
The following list is a selection of the mountaineering and ski tours that I undertook during the last years.
Of course, I can give further information about most of these trips.
Claudia and I did practically all of these trips together. The further back in time, the more "less important" trips are omitted.
This page was created automatically from a database, I apologize for possible small mistakes. The contents of the database cannot be translated automatically, so some details are given in German only.
| date | tour | max. height | height meters | distance km (bicycle: green) | duration days | difficulty | area | type | success |
1 | 11.08.2024
| Pologonka, Chomo Chonkar Ri
| 6385
| 3503
| 38,9
| 6
| B
| Pologong | expedition | success |
2 | 05.08.2024
| Yogma La, Shinguche La, Ninas Peak
| 5699
| 3150
| 43,0
| 5
| EB
| Zanskar Rang | expedition | success |
3 | 01.08.2024
| Sapi Lake
| 4785
| 1005
| 12,3
| 2
| B
| Zanskar Range (We | hike | success |
4 | 22.07.2023
| Hexenkopf - Furgler
| 3035
| 2388
| 29,3
| 2
| EB
| Samnau | mountain tour | success |
5 | 08.07.2023
| Piz Sesvenna
| 3204
| 2517
| 30,5
| 0
| L-WS
| Engadiner Dolomi | high tour | success |
6 | 18.03.2023
| Gerenfalben - Hochrohkopf
| 1975
| 1131
| 13,2
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | high tour | success |
7 | 25.08.2022
| Rotpleiskopf mit Planskopf u.a.m.
| 2936
| 1432
| 13,5
| 1
| EB
| Samnaun | mountain tour | success |
8 | 23.08.2022
| Furgler
| 3004
| 808
| 8,5
| 1
| B-EB
| Samnaun | hike | success |
9 | 22.07.2022
| Piz Buin; Hohes Rad
| 3312
| 2618
| 36,2
| 3
| WS
| Silvret | high tour | success |
10 | 28.05.2022
| Halbtraum (Traillauf 57 km)
| 727
| 1832
| 56,8
| 1
| B
| | hike | success |
11 | 19.04.2022
| Morro de la Cruz Grande
| 1539
| 712
| 14,5
| 1
| EB
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
12 | 18.04.2022
| Barranco de Berriel
| 260
| 360
| 11,8
| 1
| WS
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
13 | 16.04.2022
| Pico de las Nieves
| 1951
| 673
| 12,8
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
14 | 04.03.2022
| Sulzkogel
| 3016
| 1216
| 14,9
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
15 | 03.03.2022
| Wetterkreuzkogel - Hintere Karlesspitze
| 2636
| 1192
| 12,9
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
16 | 02.03.2022
| Vordere Karlesspitze - Schafzoll
| 2569
| 1118
| 12,0
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
17 | 27.02.2022
| Wetterkreuzkogel
| 2591
| 876
| 9,9
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
18 | 18.09.2021
| Schneeglocke
| 3223
| 1321
| 21,2
| 2
| L
| Silvrett | high tour | success |
19 | 12.09.2021
| Hoher Freschen, Hohe Matona
| 2004
| 1005
| 17,0
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
20 | 05.09.2021
| Naafkopf (DAV-Tour)
| 2570
| 1108
| 16,2
| 1
| B-EB
| | hike | success |
21 | 03.08.2021
| Seebergspitze
| 2085
| 1235
| 9,3
| 1
| EB
| Karwende | hike | success |
22 | 19.09.2020
| Schneeglocke
| 3223
| 1747
| 26,6
| 2
| L
| Silvrett | high tour | success |
23 | 25.08.2020
| Kanisfluh (Mellau)
| 2044
| 1399
| 13,6
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
24 | 24.08.2020
| Winterstaude, Tristenkopf von Schetteregg
| 1877
| 912
| 12,7
| 1
| B-EB
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
25 | 07.08.2020
| Glungezer - Rosenjoch
| 2796
| 1902
| 24,7
| 1
| EB
| Tuxer Alpe | hike | success |
26 | 05.08.2020
| Gilfert
| 2506
| 1235
| 13,5
| 1
| B
| Tuxer Alpe | hike | success |
27 | 01.08.2020
| Kellerjoch
| 2344
| 1264
| 13,5
| 1
| B-EB
| Tuxer Alpe | hike | success |
28 | 20.09.2019
| Rote Wand (DAV)
| 2704
| 1258
| 12,5
| 2
| L
| Lechquellgebir | mountain tour | success |
29 | 24.08.2019
| Versuch Kaltenberg, zu schuttig
| 2750
| 1576
| 18,7
| 1
| EB
| Verwall | mountain tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
30 | 25.07.2019
| Wildes Mannle
| 3019
| 1139
| 11,0
| 1
| EB
| | hike | success |
31 | 24.07.2019
| Tschirgant
| 2370
| 1330
| 14,1
| 1
| EB
| Wetterstei | hike | success |
32 | 22.07.2019
| Fundusfeiler (Fundustal mit Rad)
| 3079
| 2295
| 7,6
| 1
| B-EB
| | mountain tour | success |
33 | 05.03.2019
| Klipperen mit Nina
| 2066
| 1214
| 13,2
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwa | high tour | success |
34 | 04.01.2019
| Prodkamm
| 2006
| 960
| 12,6
| 1
| B
| Glarneralpe | high tour | success |
35 | 21.10.2018
| Rote Wand (von Marul aus)
| 2704
| 2014
| 9,7
| 1
| L
| Lechquellgebir | mountain tour | success |
36 | 18.08.2018
| Stok Kangri
| 6140
| 3000
| 41,0
| 5
| EB-L
| Zanskar Ran | expedition | success |
37 | 06.08.2018
| Lasermo La, Kangsalmathug
| 5770
| 5216
| 67,7
| 10
| WS
| Ladak | expedition | success |
38 | 04.08.2018
| P. 3990 bei Tirith Phu
| 3990
| 835
| 11,4
| 1
| B
| Saser Range, Karako | hike | success |
39 | 01.06.2018
| Degollada de los Hornos
| 1750
| 596
| 6,7
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
40 | 27.05.2018
| Pico de las Nieves
| 1951
| 566
| 10,3
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
41 | 24.05.2018
| Palmitos
| 853
| 378
| 7,7
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
42 | 04.04.2018
| Wetterkreuzkogel
| 2590
| 860
| 10,5
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
43 | 03.04.2018
| Vordere Karlesspitze
| 2569
| 664
| 8,2
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
44 | 02.04.2018
| Pirchkogel
| 2828
| 813
| 9,3
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
45 | 23.09.2017
| Hochlichtspitze; Versuch Braunarlspitze (Abbr. Gewitter)
| 2600
| 1594
| 22,8
| 2
| EB-L
| Lechquellgebir | mountain tour | retreat, bad weather |
46 | 24.08.2017
| Venet
| 2512
| 1037
| 12,2
| 1
| B
| | hike | success |
47 | 23.08.2017
| Aifner Spitze
| 2779
| 1308
| 16,4
| 1
| B-EB
| | mountain tour | success |
48 | 04.08.2017
| Pockkogel
| 2807
| 922
| 9,4
| 1
| EB
| Stubaier Alpe | hike | success |
49 | 28.07.2017
| Schesaplana
| 2965
| 1567
| 16,5
| 3
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
50 | 08.07.2017
| Valschavieler Maderer (DAV)
| 2671
| 2120
| 34,7
| 2
| L
| Verwal | mountain tour | retreat, bad weather |
51 | 17.04.2017
| El Fraile
| 686
| 811
| 11,4
| 1
| B
| Fuerteventur | hike | success |
52 | 14.04.2017
| Pico de Betancuria
| 724
| 404
| 6,0
| 1
| B
| Fuerteventur | hike | success |
53 | 13.04.2017
| Pico de la Zarza
| 812
| 790
| 14,0
| 1
| B
| Fuerteventu | hike | success |
54 | 12.09.2016
| Galinakopf
| 2198
| 1683
| 5,5
| 1
| B
| | hike | success |
55 | 11.09.2016
| Hochmaderer (DAV)
| 2823
| 1093
| 10,7
| 1
| EB
| Silvretta | mountain tour | success |
56 | 22.08.2016
| Cerro Toco
| 5604
| 409
| 4,0
| 1
| B
| | high tour | success |
57 | 18.08.2016
| Cerro Negro de Pujsa
| 5135
| 560
| 4,4
| 1
| EB
| | high tour | success |
58 | 12.08.2016
| Tatio Sur
| 5200
| 840
| 9,0
| 1
| L
| Cord. del Tatio, Cordi | high tour | success |
59 | 08.08.2016
| Cerro Jorquencal
| 4971
| 421
| 4,3
| 1
| B
| Sierra de Chaxas, Cord | hike | success |
60 | 27.02.2016
| Klipperen, Wannenkopf, Klipperen
| 2066
| 1600
| 16,5
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | high tour | success |
61 | 27.08.2015
| Pangong Tso
| 4660
| 550
| 9,9
| 1
| B
| Pangong Range, Himal | hike | success |
62 | 18.07.2015
| Glockturm
| 3355
| 2330
| 36,1
| 2
| L
| Stubaier Alp | mountain tour | success |
63 | 11.06.2015
| Puig de n'Ali
| 1038
| 693
| 6,4
| 1
| EB
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
64 | 04.06.2015
| Serra des Teixos
| 1260
| 596
| 16,0
| 1
| EB
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
65 | 19.03.2015
| Zwieselbacher Rosskogel
| 3082
| 1442
| 16,9
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
66 | 16.03.2015
| Hintere Karlesspitze, Wetterkreuzkogel
| 2636
| 1177
| 12,4
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
67 | 15.03.2015
| Pirchkogel
| 2828
| 813
| 8,9
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
68 | 13.02.2015
| Sonntagshorn
| 1961
| 1068
| 12,6
| 1
| B
| Chiemgau | high tour | success |
69 | 18.01.2015
| Klipperen 2 1/2x
| 2066
| 2012
| 19,3
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | high tour | success |
70 | 19.10.2014
| Valluga
| 2809
| 1475
| 15,5
| 1
| EB
| Lechtaler Alpe | mountain tour | success |
71 | 07.09.2014
| Schesaplama
| 2964
| 1464
| 13,7
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
72 | 05.08.2014
| Markha Valley - Dzo Jongo
| 6214
| 8587
| 148,4
| 12
| WS
| Zans | expedition | success |
73 | 03.08.2014
| Thikse - Shey
| 3300
| 60
| 4,4
| 1
| B
| Ladakh Rang | hike | success |
74 | 06.07.2014
| Staufenspitz (Wurzelweg)
| 1465
| 1077
| 14,8
| 1
| EB
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
75 | 22.06.2014
| Hochmaderer mit Radtour Stausee Kops
| 2823
| 2288
| 9,4
| 1
| EB
| Silvrett | hike | success |
76 | 05.06.2014
| Mola de S'Esclop, Nordroute
| 928
| 648
| 9,5
| 1
| EB
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
77 | 31.05.2014
| Erzherzog Ludwig Salvator-Weg
| 945
| 780
| 14,6
| 1
| B
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
78 | 14.03.2014
| Pirchkogel
| 2828
| 813
| 9,1
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
79 | 12.03.2014
| Zwieselbacher Rosskogel, Weitkarspitze
| 3082
| 1679
| 19,6
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
80 | 10.03.2014
| Hintere Karlesspitze
| 2636
| 912
| 9,5
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
81 | 08.03.2014
| Wetterkreuzkogel
| 2951
| 1477
| 12,0
| 1
| B
| Stubaier Alpe | high tour | success |
82 | 20.12.2013
| Morro del Cavadero, Pico de la Palma, Pico de la Zarza
| 812
| 1025
| 15,3
| 1
| EB
| Fuerteventur | hike | success |
83 | 17.12.2013
| Barranco de los Canarios - Morro de Jorao
| 636
| 1177
| 3,7
| 1
| EB
| Fuerteventur | bicycle tour | success |
84 | 25.10.2013
| Marul - Laguz - Garmil - Steris
| 1888
| 1441
| 0,4
| 1
| B
| Lechquellgebir | bicycle tour | success |
85 | 29.09.2013
| Olymp
| 2919
| 2705
| 26,5
| 1
| L
| Olympos (GR | mountain tour | success |
86 | 30.07.2013
| Hohenzollernhaus: Glockturm, Hennesiglspitze u.a.m.
| 3355
| 3890
| 50,3
| 4
| L
| | mountain tour | success |
87 | 25.07.2013
| Mattmark - Ofentalpass - Monte Moro - Mattmark
| 3059
| 2146
| 29,3
| 3
| L
| Walliseralp | mountain tour | success |
88 | 03.06.2013
| Monte Stivo
| 2058
| 983
| 9,6
| 1
| B
| Gardaseeberg | hike | success |
89 | 06.10.2012
| Puig des Tossals Verds
| 1118
| 914
| 16,0
| 1
| B
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
90 | 03.10.2012
| Puig de Massanella
| 1365
| 1066
| 15,0
| 1
| EB
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
91 | 02.10.2012
| Puig Tomir
| 1104
| 604
| 8,8
| 1
| EB
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
92 | 28.09.2012
| Puig de sa Rateta - Puig de l'Ofre
| 1113
| 666
| 12,2
| 1
| EB
| Serra de Tramuntana (M | hike | success |
93 | 02.09.2012
| Albula SlowUp
| 2312
| 1340
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Albulagrupp | bicycle tour | success |
94 | 23.06.2012
| Widderstein
| 2533
| 1026
| 10,7
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
95 | 16.06.2012
| Inzell - 24 Stunden von Bayern (Wanderung)
| 1460
| 3120
| 74,1
| 1
| B-EB
| Berchtesgadener Alp | hike | success |
96 | 28.03.2012
| Guergues-Steig
| 1028
| 431
| 5,7
| 1
| B
| Teno (Tenerife | hike | success |
97 | 27.03.2012
| Sombrero de Chasna
| 2485
| 635
| 8,9
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
98 | 25.03.2012
| Pico Viejo - Pico del Teide
| 3718
| 1748
| 11,8
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
99 | 21.03.2012
| Pico del Teide
| 3718
| 1438
| 11,7
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
100 | 20.03.2012
| Roques de Chabao
| 2225
| 345
| 5,8
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
101 | 18.03.2012
| Barranco de Masca
| 640
| 740
| 12,0
| 1
| EB
| Teno (Tenerife | hike | success |
102 | 15.03.2012
| Pico Viejo
| 3135
| 1195
| 13,3
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
103 | 13.03.2012
| Roque de los Almendros / El Sombrero
| 2531
| 586
| 8,4
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
104 | 20.11.2011
| Sulzfluh (Gemstobel)
| 2817
| 1097
| 9,3
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
105 | 13.11.2011
| Winterstaude
| 1877
| 1285
| 15,5
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
106 | 31.10.2011
| Portlahorn, Portlakopf
| 2010
| 400
| 5,0
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
107 | 30.10.2011
| Hochrohkopf, Portlahorn, Portlakopf, Pfrondhorn
| 2010
| 867
| 9,6
| 1
| EB
| Bregenzerwal | mountain tour | success |
108 | 01.10.2011
| Hochgrat
| 1834
| 1004
| 14,1
| 1
| B
| | hike | success |
109 | 03.09.2011
| Biberkopf (DAV)
| 2599
| 1079
| 7,2
| 1
| EB-L
| | mountain tour | success |
110 | 22.08.2011
| Biberkopf (Lechleiten)
| 2599
| 1099
| 7,7
| 1
| EB-L
| | mountain tour | success |
111 | 12.08.2011
| Diedamskopf
| 2090
| 1260
| 0,4
| 1
| B
| | bicycle tour | success |
112 | 30.07.2011
| Swiss Alpine Marathon K42
| 2739
| 1874
| 42,2
| 1
| B
| Albulagrupp | hike | success |
113 | 16.07.2011
| Naafkopf
| 2570
| 1270
| 4,0
| 1
| B-EB
| | hike | success |
114 | 02.07.2011
| Hoher Freschen, bis Saluver mit Fahrrad
| 2004
| 1076
| 6,1
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwa | hike | success |
115 | 03.06.2011
| Zwiesel
| 1782
| 918
| 8,9
| 1
| B
| Chiemgau | hike | success |
116 | 02.06.2011
| Schindlerspitze
| 2648
| 1028
| 9,4
| 1
| B
| Lechtaler Alpe | mountain tour | success |
117 | 20.05.2011
| Vilan
| 2376
| 1386
| 13,6
| 1
| B
| | hike | success |
118 | 06.05.2011
| Staufenspitz mit Umrundung
| 1465
| 1100
| 14,2
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
119 | 23.03.2011
| Teide (La Rambleta)
| 3560
| 1285
| 10,4
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
120 | 21.03.2011
| Risco-Steig (Teno)
| 1003
| 1084
| 10,3
| 1
| EB
| Teno (Tenerife | hike | success |
121 | 19.03.2011
| Pico Viejo
| 3135
| 1239
| 14,1
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
122 | 18.03.2011
| Roque de los Almendros - Sombrero de Chasna
| 2523
| 764
| 10,5
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
123 | 02.01.2011
| Caracol
| 467
| 492
| 6,9
| 1
| B
| Fuerteventur | hike | success |
124 | 01.01.2011
| Salinas - Pozo Negro
| 20
| 233
| 7,7
| 1
| B
| Fuerteventur | hike | success |
125 | 30.12.2010
| Pico de la Zarza
| 812
| 781
| 14,0
| 1
| B
| Fuerteventur | hike | success |
126 | 05.11.2010
| Winterstaude
| 1877
| 1187
| 14,3
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
127 | 02.09.2010
| Krimmler Achental, Gerlospass
| 1850
| 1526
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Zillertaler Alp | bicycle tour | success |
128 | 28.08.2010
| Karwendelmarsch (Lauf 52 km)
| 1903
| 2154
| 52,0
| 1
| B
| Karwendel | hike | success |
129 | 16.07.2010
| Sulzkogel
| 3016
| 1126
| 13,1
| 1
| B-EB
| Stubaier Alpe | hike | success |
130 | 15.07.2010
| Rastkogel
| 2762
| 1357
| 18,9
| 1
| B
| Tuxer Voralpe | hike | success |
131 | 14.07.2010
| Hochiss
| 2299
| 1416
| 10,1
| 1
| B-EB
| Rofan | hike | success |
132 | 28.06.2010
| Zafernhorn, Hochlicht (Blasenka)
| 2109
| 1181
| 14,5
| 1
| B
| Lechquellgebir | hike | success |
133 | 09.06.2010
| Gerenfalben, Hoher Freschen und Matona
| 2004
| 916
| 14,8
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | hike | success |
134 | 10.02.2010
| Guajara von Boca Tauce aus
| 2715
| 840
| 25,9
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
135 | 09.02.2010
| Cruz de Gala
| 1347
| 332
| 6,8
| 1
| B
| Teno (Tenerife | hike | success |
136 | 08.02.2010
| Vilaflor - Paisaje Lunar
| 1973
| 478
| 16,4
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
137 | 07.02.2010
| Barranco de Masca
| 620
| 720
| 12,0
| 1
| EB
| Teno (Tenerife | mountain tour | success |
138 | 06.02.2010
| Roque Imoque
| 1108
| 215
| 2,3
| 1
| L
| Teide (Tenerif | mountain tour | success |
139 | 05.02.2010
| Pico Viejo
| 3135
| 1225
| 15,8
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | mountain tour | success |
140 | 04.02.2010
| Sombrero de Chasna
| 2485
| 529
| 7,3
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
141 | 10.09.2009
| Dreifingerspitz
| 2479
| 1389
| 20,6
| 1
| B
| Dolomiten | hike | success |
142 | 30.08.2009
| Schesaplana (DAV)
| 2964
| 1459
| 13,2
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
143 | 16.08.2009
| Hochgrat, Seelekopf
| 1834
| 1057
| 13,7
| 1
| EB
| | hike | success |
144 | 13.06.2009
| Klipperen, Ragazerblanken, Hochblanken (teils Fahrrad)
| 2068
| 1419
| 9,3
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwa | hike | success |
145 | 12.04.2009
| Riedkopf von SW (normal)
| 2552
| 1146
| 11,3
| 1
| EB
| | high tour | success |
146 | 21.03.2009
| Sulzfluh (Gemstobel)
| 2817
| 1337
| 15,5
| 1
| B
| | high tour | success |
147 | 28.02.2009
| Churfirsten: Brisi
| 2279
| 1409
| 12,1
| 1
| B
| Churfirstengrup | high tour | success |
148 | 14.02.2009
| Dunas de Maspalomas
| 40
| 110
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | hike | success |
149 | 10.02.2009
| Pico de las Nieves (Rad)
| 1951
| 2538
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | bicycle tour | success |
150 | 09.02.2009
| Ayagaures - Arteara (Rad)
| 495
| 928
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Gran Canari | bicycle tour | success |
151 | 02.01.2009
| Gampernei - Rosswies
| 2334
| 2192
| 19,0
| 1
| B
| Churfirstengrup | high tour | success |
152 | 27.12.2008
| Vilan
| 2376
| 1381
| 14,2
| 1
| B
| | high tour | success |
153 | 03.08.2008
| Piz Julier
| 3380
| 1289
| 9,6
| 1
| L
| Albulagrupp | mountain tour | success |
154 | 13.07.2008
| Tocllaraju (Versuch)
| 5780
| 2835
| 41,5
| 4
| ZS
| Cordillera Blanc | high tour | retreat, other |
155 | 05.07.2008
| Pisco Oeste
| 5750
| 2095
| 18,7
| 3
| WS
| Cordillera Blanca (P | high tour | success |
156 | 03.07.2008
| Chopicalqui (Versuch)
| 5800
| 1820
| 16,1
| 3
| WS
| Cordillera Blanca (P | high tour | retreat, other |
157 | 28.06.2008
| Ishinca, Urus
| 5530
| 3060
| 42,0
| 4
| WS-
| Cordillera Blanc | high tour | success |
158 | 25.06.2008
| Vallunaraju
| 5686
| 1353
| 12,9
| 2
| WS+
| Cordillera Blanca (P | high tour | success |
159 | 31.05.2008
| Gletscherkurs Rhonegletscher
| 3120
| 1168
| 12,3
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen We | mountain tour | success |
160 | 02.05.2008
| Cabane du Trient: Aiguille du Tour, Grande Lui, Petite Fourche
| 3540
| 3883
| 46,2
| 3
| WS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | ski high tour | success |
161 | 26.01.2008
| Oberalpstock von Sedrun
| 3328
| 1912
| 20,0
| 1
| EB
| Glarneralpe | ski high tour | success |
162 | 20.01.2008
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1420
| 12,9
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
163 | 01.01.2008
| Piz Lad
| 2808
| 1303
| 12,5
| 1
| B
| Engadiner Dolomit | high tour | success |
164 | 27.12.2007
| Toblermannskopf
| 2010
| 1160
| 11,6
| 1
| B
| Lechquellgebir | high tour | success |
165 | 26.12.2007
| Fulfirst
| 2384
| 1044
| 10,4
| 1
| EB
| Churfirstengrup | high tour | success |
166 | 22.12.2007
| Vilan
| 2376
| 1430
| 16,6
| 1
| B
| | high tour | success |
167 | 12.08.2007
| Hoher Ifen
| 2230
| 1000
| 13,0
| 1
| B-EB
| | hike | success |
168 | 03.08.2007
| Col du Parpaillon
| 2645
| 1893
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Alpes de Proven | bicycle tour | success |
169 | 01.08.2007
| Lac du Mont Cenis, Mont Malamot
| 2917
| 1556
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Maurienn | bicycle tour | success |
170 | 30.07.2007
| Col Sommeiller
| 3033
| 1793
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Maurienne | bicycle tour | success |
171 | 28.07.2007
| Mont Emilius
| 3559
| 2071
| 22,2
| 1
| EB
| Grajische Alpe | mountain tour | success |
172 | 26.07.2007
| Gran Paradiso
| 4061
| 2156
| 19,4
| 1
| B
| Grajische Alp | high tour | success |
173 | 28.04.2007
| Bodensee-Arlberg-Innsbruck-Siegsdorf (Rad)
| 1797
| 2515
| 0,0
| 4
| B
| Lechquellg | bicycle tour | success |
174 | 14.04.2007
| Galenstock (Tiefengletscher)
| 3586
| 2051
| 24,6
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen W | ski high tour | success |
175 | 08.03.2007
| Pico del Teide
| 3718
| 1424
| 15,6
| 1
| B
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
176 | 07.03.2007
| Guajara
| 2715
| 605
| 6,8
| 1
| EB
| Teide (Tenerif | hike | success |
177 | 14.10.2006
| Alphubel (SE-Grat)
| 4206
| 2026
| 16,6
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
178 | 23.08.2006
| Biberkopf
| 2599
| 1179
| 7,2
| 1
| EB-L
| | mountain tour | success |
179 | 22.07.2006
| Mohnenfluh (Geislinger Steig)
| 2544
| 1350
| 17,5
| 1
| EB
| Lechquellgebir | hike | success |
180 | 15.07.2006
| Piz Mitgel
| 3159
| 1314
| 9,9
| 1
| L
| Albulagrupp | mountain tour | success |
181 | 01.07.2006
| Lochberg, Galenstock
| 3583
| 2445
| 24,4
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen We | high tour | success |
182 | 15.06.2006
| Grimsel - Furka - Susten (Rad)
| 2542
| 3349
| 4,4
| 2
| B
| Urneralpen W | bicycle tour | success |
183 | 03.06.2006
| Versuch Weissgrat
| 3609
| 1446
| 18,5
| 1
| L-WS
| Walliseralpe | ski high tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
184 | 03.05.2006
| Echo Voiny Pass (Elbrus)
| 3349
| 1279
| 12,9
| 1
| B
| Zentralkaukasus, Elb | high tour | success |
185 | 30.04.2006
| Elbrus
| 5642
| 2097
| 25,6
| 3
| WS-
| Zentralkaukasus, El | high tour | success |
186 | 10.02.2006
| Versuch Monte Pissis
| 5940
| 1785
| 34,2
| 5
| B
| Anden Bonete | expedition | retreat, bad weather |
187 | 06.02.2006
| Nevado Ojos del Salado
| 6893
| 1668
| 15,0
| 3
| WS
| Anden Bonete - Pissis | expedition | success |
188 | 25.01.2006
| Versuch Cerro Bonete Chico
| 6035
| 3248
| 58,1
| 8
| B
| Anden B | expedition | retreat, bad weather |
189 | 06.01.2006
| P.Surgonda, P.Traunter Ovas, P.Picuogl, Tschima da Flix
| 3333
| 3082
| 35,3
| 3
| EB
| Albulagrup | ski high tour | success |
190 | 16.08.2005
| Fletschhorn
| 3993
| 2523
| 21,7
| 2
| L-WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
191 | 10.05.2005
| Kamet (Versuch)
| 7670
| 9600
| 175,9
| 31
| Garh | expedition | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
192 | 02.04.2005
| Sustenhorn
| 3503
| 2470
| 25,6
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen We | ski high tour | success |
193 | 17.05.2004
| Monte Leone
| 3553
| 1786
| 18,4
| 1
| L
| Walliseralpe | ski high tour | success |
194 | 15.05.2004
| Alphubel SE-Grat
| 4206
| 2351
| 28,4
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | success |
195 | 11.05.2004
| Chammlijoch-Scherhorn
| 3294
| 2277
| 28,0
| 2
| EB
| Glarneralp | ski high tour | success |
196 | 24.01.2004
| Vilan von Seewis
| 2376
| 1446
| 15,2
| 1
| B
| | high tour | success |
197 | 16.08.2003
| Lukmanier-Passo dell'Uomo-Gotthard-Oberalp
| 2218
| 2998
| 0,0
| 1
| B
| Gotthardgrupp | bicycle tour | success |
198 | 10.08.2003
| Piz Linard von Lavin (Normalweg)
| 3411
| 2031
| 17,0
| 1
| L
| Silvretta | high tour | success |
199 | 05.07.2003
| Mont Blanc (Grands Mulets)
| 4810
| 2911
| 26,1
| 2
| WS+
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | success |
200 | 23.04.2003
| Mont Dolent von La Fouly (1 Tag)
| 3820
| 2250
| 19,9
| 1
| WS
| Mont Blanc-Grup | ski high tour | success |
201 | 08.03.2003
| Brunnistock
| 2952
| 2022
| 22,0
| 1
| L
| Urneralpen Wes | high tour | success |
202 | 07.02.2003
| Versuch Chimborazo
| 5510
| 3796
| 13,4
| 4
| Anden, Cor | high tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
203 | 01.02.2003
| Cotopaxi
| 5897
| 4652
| 21,0
| 5
| WS+
| Anden, C | high tour | success |
204 | 28.01.2003
| Iliniza Sur
| 5263
| 3393
| 37,6
| 4
| Anden, Cord. | high tour | success |
205 | 08.12.2002
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1430
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
206 | 31.08.2002
| Lagginhorn
| 4010
| 2515
| 20,2
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
207 | 20.07.2002
| Zugspitze (Ehrwalder Weg)
| 2962
| 1764
| 14,4
| 1
| L
| Wetterstei | mountain tour | success |
208 | 14.04.2002
| Mount Everest (Nordgrat)
| 8850
| 11086
| 135,5
| 40
| ZS
| Khum | expedition | success |
209 | 27.03.2002
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1420
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
210 | 16.03.2002
| Wetterhorn (Rosenlaui)
| 3701
| 2931
| 27,6
| 2
| WS
| Berneralp | ski high tour | success |
211 | 09.03.2002
| Grassen
| 2946
| 1886
| 23,8
| 2
| B
| Urneralpen We | ski high tour | success |
212 | 13.01.2002
| Oberalpstock von Sedrun
| 3328
| 1907
| 20,6
| 1
| EB
| Glarneralpe | ski high tour | success |
213 | 01.11.2001
| Pollux, Breithorn vom Val d'Ayas
| 4164
| 2976
| 33,7
| 2
| ZS-
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
214 | 27.10.2001
| Radtour: Faschinajoch - Flexenpass - Hochtannbergpass
| 1773
| 2473
| 1
| B
| Lechquellgebir | bicycle tour | success |
215 | 20.10.2001
| Schesaplana
| 2964
| 1469
| 15,8
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
216 | 13.10.2001
| Punta Giordani (Colle d'Olen)
| 4046
| 2744
| 28,5
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
217 | 25.08.2001
| Bishorn (DAV)
| 4153
| 2815
| 28,1
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
218 | 14.08.2001
| Grandes Jorasses
| 4208
| 2759
| 19,3
| 2
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | success |
219 | 11.08.2001
| Les Droites
| 4000
| 2580
| 24,2
| 2
| ZS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | success |
220 | 27.07.2001
| Lauteraarhorn (Aarbiwak)
| 4042
| 2977
| 47,5
| 2
| ZS-
| Berneralp | high tour | success |
221 | 14.07.2001
| Zimba (W-Grat)
| 2643
| 1763
| 19,6
| 1
| ZS
| | mountain tour | success |
222 | 27.05.2001
| Tiefenstock (Tiefenbach)
| 3515
| 1405
| 13,2
| 1
| WS
| Urneralpen Wes | ski high tour | success |
223 | 14.04.2001
| Versuch am Minya Konka bis 5340 m; Nochma (5575)
| 5575
| 15258
| 175,3
| 28
| WS
| Muga | expedition | retreat, bad weather |
224 | 31.03.2001
| Sustenhorn
| 3504
| 2467
| 26,4
| 2
| L
| Urneralpen We | ski high tour | success |
225 | 24.03.2001
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1420
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
226 | 18.03.2001
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1420
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
227 | 10.02.2001
| Breiter Grieskogel
| 3287
| 2250
| 25,4
| 2
| B
| Stubaier Alp | ski high tour | success |
228 | 13.01.2001
| Similaun
| 3600
| 1805
| 28,4
| 2
| EB-L
| | ski high tour | success |
229 | 22.10.2000
| Piz Platta
| 3392
| 1503
| 14,4
| 1
| WS
| Averseralpe | high tour | success |
230 | 23.09.2000
| Suldenspitze, Zufallspitze, Monte Cevedale
| 3769
| 2166
| 25,5
| 2
| WS
| Ortlergrup | high tour | success |
231 | 25.08.2000
| Versuch Droites Normalweg (Bergschrund zu offen)
| 3400
| 2032
| 23,9
| 2
| WS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
232 | 22.07.2000
| Piz Bernina (Biancograt)
| 4049
| 2939
| 33,7
| 2
| ZS
| Bernin | high tour | success |
233 | 01.07.2000
| Allalinhorn (Hohlaubgrat)
| 4027
| 2442
| 27,0
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
234 | 16.05.2000
| Denali (Mt. McKinley)
| 6193
| 6103
| 74,8
| 12
| WS
| Alas | expedition | success |
235 | 19.04.2000
| Mont Blanc de Cheilon, Pigne d'Arolla u.a.
| 3870
| 3676
| 41,4
| 3
| WS
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | success |
236 | 09.04.2000
| Hochwannig
| 2493
| 1518
| 14,6
| 1
| B
| Wetterstei | high tour | success |
237 | 02.04.2000
| Selun (Churfirsten)
| 2205
| 1315
| 11,6
| 1
| B-EB
| Churfirstengrup | high tour | success |
238 | 16.01.2000
| Piz Tumpiv
| 3101
| 1821
| 18,2
| 1
| L-WS
| Glarneralpe | high tour | success |
239 | 08.01.2000
| Zapporthorn von San Bernardino aus
| 3152
| 1487
| 19,0
| 1
| WS
| Adula | high tour | success |
240 | 06.01.2000
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1435
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
241 | 03.01.2000
| Blinnenhorn
| 3374
| 2068
| 36,8
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | success |
242 | 11.09.1999
| Grand Combin (S-Flanke/NNW-Flanke)
| 4314
| 3187
| 26,5
| 2
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
243 | 31.08.1999
| Piz Languard
| 3262
| 1477
| 15,0
| 1
| B
| | hike | success |
244 | 14.08.1999
| Furka-Nufenen (Radtour)
| 2478
| 2078
| 1
| B
| Gotthardgrupp | bicycle tour | success |
245 | 31.07.1999
| Doldenhorn
| 3643
| 2538
| 18,6
| 2
| WS
| Berneralp | high tour | success |
246 | 19.06.1999
| Balfrin
| 3796
| 2361
| 25,7
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
247 | 12.06.1999
| Gross Muttenhorn
| 3099
| 1051
| 9,4
| 1
| L
| Gotthardgrupp | high tour | success |
248 | 25.04.1999
| Cho Oyu
| 8201
| 11381
| 144,2
| 30
| WS
| Khum | expedition | success |
249 | 10.04.1999
| Piz Muttala (Aversertal)
| 2961
| 1516
| 17,0
| 1
| B-EB
| Averseralpe | high tour | success |
250 | 05.04.1999
| Chilchalphorn
| 3040
| 1435
| 13,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
251 | 02.04.1999
| Breithorn (Simplon), Versuch M.Leone
| 3438
| 1865
| 21,7
| 2
| B
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | retreat, bad weather |
252 | 27.03.1999
| Klipperen (1 1/2 mal)
| 2066
| 1224
| 12,6
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | high tour | success |
253 | 17.01.1999
| Hochwang
| 2533
| 1335
| 19,4
| 1
| B
| Plessurgebirg | high tour | success |
254 | 16.01.1999
| Klipperen
| 2066
| 846
| 9,6
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | high tour | success |
255 | 10.01.1999
| Geigelstein
| 1813
| 1183
| 10,0
| 1
| B
| Chiemgau | high tour | success |
256 | 09.01.1999
| Sonntagshorn
| 1961
| 1021
| 11,1
| 1
| B
| Chiemgau | high tour | success |
257 | 06.01.1999
| Bleispitze (Lermoos)
| 2225
| 1135
| 11,2
| 1
| B
| Lechtaler Alpe | high tour | success |
258 | 29.12.1998
| Hochschrutte (Plattberg)
| 2247
| 1155
| 8,6
| 1
| B-EB
| Ammergauer Alp | high tour | success |
259 | 20.12.1998
| Klipperen
| 2066
| 856
| 9,6
| 1
| B
| Bregenzerwal | high tour | success |
260 | 08.11.1998
| Faltschonhorn (Vals GR)
| 3022
| 1130
| 8,6
| 1
| EB
| Adula | mountain tour | success |
261 | 20.08.1998
| Dent Blanche
| 4357
| 2684
| 24,6
| 2
| ZS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
262 | 19.07.1998
| Khan Tengri
| 7010
| 9520
| 75,0
| 23
| Zent | expedition | success |
263 | 04.07.1998
| Doldenhorn
| 3643
| 2483
| 19,6
| 2
| WS
| Berneralp | high tour | success |
264 | 27.06.1998
| Gemsfairenstock (2971)-Clariden (3268)
| 3268
| 2622
| 28,5
| 2
| WS
| Glarneralp | high tour | success |
265 | 23.05.1998
| Gross Muttenhorn
| 3099
| 1051
| 9,4
| 1
| L
| Gotthardgrupp | high tour | success |
266 | 09.05.1998
| Tiefenstock (3515), Kl.Furkahorn (3026)
| 3515
| 2311
| 25,4
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen | ski high tour | success |
267 | 01.05.1998
| Hoher Sonnblick
| 3105
| 2524
| 21,7
| 2
| L
| Goldberggrup | high tour | success |
268 | 21.02.1998
| Brudelhorn (Goms)
| 2791
| 1477
| 14,6
| 1
| EB
| Walliseralpe | high tour | success |
269 | 18.02.1998
| Stellihorn
| 3436
| 1819
| 26,1
| 1
| L-WS
| Walliseralpe | ski high tour | success |
270 | 17.02.1998
| Allalinhorn (Mittel-Allalin)
| 4027
| 517
| 4,4
| 1
| L
| Walliseralpe | ski high tour | success |
271 | 13.02.1998
| Pigne d'Arolla
| 3796
| 1875
| 17,9
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | success |
272 | 07.02.1998
| Fanellhorn (Zervreila)
| 3124
| 1354
| 13,2
| 1
| EB
| Adula | high tour | success |
273 | 31.01.1998
| Piz Giuv (Schattig Wichel)
| 3096
| 2308
| 27,0
| 2
| EB
| Glarneralp | high tour | success |
274 | 10.01.1998
| Badus (Six Madun)
| 2928
| 1293
| 20,0
| 1
| EB
| Gotthardgrupp | high tour | success |
275 | 02.01.1998
| Wattener Lizum: Geier(2857), Reckner(2886), Torspitze(2654)
| 2886
| 2353
| 31,8
| 3
| WS
| Tuxer Voralp | high tour | success |
276 | 22.08.1997
| Obergabelhorn (ENE-Grat)
| 4063
| 2735
| 26,2
| 2
| ZS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
277 | 17.08.1997
| Pizol von Gigerwald
| 2844
| 1629
| 11,8
| 1
| EB
| Glarneralpe | mountain tour | success |
278 | 11.07.1997
| Nadelhorn(4327), Ulrichshorn(3925)
| 4327
| 2737
| 24,0
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
279 | 07.06.1997
| Dammastock(3630), Schneestock(3608), Eggstock(3583)
| 3630
| 1375
| 21,4
| 1
| L
| Urneralpen Wes | ski high tour | success |
280 | 24.04.1997
| Versuch am Cho Oyu (Abbruch Wind)
| 6800
| 7590
| 128,0
| 24
| WS
| Khum | expedition | retreat, bad weather |
281 | 02.03.1997
| Schwarzhorn (Piz Gren)(Lumnezia GR)
| 2890
| 1452
| 20,6
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
282 | 23.02.1997
| Piz Tarantschun von Wergenstein(GR)
| 2769
| 1285
| 17,6
| 1
| EB
| Adula | high tour | success |
283 | 06.02.1997
| Pico Plata
| 6100
| 3530
| 42,8
| 4
| EB
| Cordon del Plata | high tour | success |
284 | 21.01.1997
| Aconcagua (Normalweg)
| 6960
| 8408
| 145,6
| 14
| EB
| Ande | expedition | success |
285 | 29.12.1996
| Chilchalphorn (Hinterrhein)
| 3040
| 1430
| 14,0
| 1
| B
| Adula | high tour | success |
286 | 25.12.1996
| Cabane des Vignettes - Pointes d'Oren
| 3525
| 1689
| 28,1
| 3
| EB
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | success |
287 | 15.12.1996
| Piz Beverin
| 2998
| 1538
| 18,0
| 1
| EB
| Adula | high tour | success |
288 | 02.11.1996
| Piz Lagrev
| 3165
| 1060
| 10,4
| 1
| WS-
| Albulagrupp | mountain tour | success |
289 | 14.08.1996
| Hohberghorn(4219); Versuch Lenzspitze(4294)
| 4219
| 4271
| 31,4
| 3
| WS+
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
290 | 20.07.1996
| Aiguille Verte (Whympercouloir)
| 4122
| 2531
| 23,2
| 2
| ZS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | success |
291 | 01.06.1996
| Illimani
| 6460
| 2960
| 30,4
| 4
| Anden, Cordil.Re | high tour | success |
292 | 09.05.1996
| Cerro Colorado
| 5748
| 958
| 8,0
| 1
| L
| Sierra de Chaxas, Cord | high tour | success |
293 | 23.03.1996
| Aiguille d'Argentiere
| 3900
| 2003
| 25,3
| 2
| WS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | ski high tour | success |
294 | 09.03.1996
| Piz Kesch von Es-cha
| 3418
| 1751
| 19,6
| 2
| WS
| Albulagrup | ski high tour | success |
295 | 21.01.1996
| Piz Chalchagn
| 3154
| 1258
| 10,0
| 1
| EB
| Bernina | high tour | success |
296 | 20.01.1996
| Corn Suvretta
| 3072
| 872
| 9,0
| 1
| EB
| Albulagrupp | high tour | success |
297 | 13.01.1996
| Gemsfairenstock(2971), Bocktschingel(3070), Clariden(3268)
| 3268
| 2749
| 32,6
| 2
| WS+
| Glarneralp | ski high tour | success |
298 | 21.10.1995
| Oberaarhorn(3637),Studerhorn(3638)
| 3638
| 2415
| 39,1
| 2
| WS
| Berneralp | high tour | success |
299 | 09.09.1995
| Petersenspitze(3484) - Wildspitze(3774)
| 3772
| 2256
| 35,4
| 2
| WS
| | high tour | success |
300 | 27.08.1995
| Pik Utschitel' ("Lehrer"), Ala-Artscha
| 4527
| 2337
| 20,6
| 3
| EB
| Transili-Alatau (Tien | mountain tour | success |
301 | 21.08.1995
| Pik Pesni Abaja
| 4901
| 1951
| 17,3
| 2
| WS
| Zentraler Tien S | high tour | success |
302 | 20.08.1995
| Versuch am Pik Trehglavnyj (bis 5110 m)
| 5110
| 1210
| 12,4
| 1
| ZS
| Zentraler Tien Sh | high tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
303 | 14.08.1995
| Versuch Khan Tengri (bis 6230 m)
| 6230
| 2405
| 28,4
| 6
| WS
| Zentraler | expedition | retreat, bad weather |
304 | 01.08.1995
| Pik Tschapajev (Nordgipfel)
| 6095
| 5145
| 90,6
| 13
| WS
| Zent | expedition | success |
305 | 21.07.1995
| Dom (Festigrat)
| 4545
| 3283
| 23,7
| 3
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
306 | 16.07.1995
| Galenstock
| 3583
| 1353
| 14,4
| 1
| WS
| Urneralpen Wes | high tour | success |
307 | 08.07.1995
| Leitung Sektions-Gletscherkurs DAV
| 2400
| 495
| 10,9
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen We | mountain tour | success |
308 | 29.04.1995
| Piz Morteratsch(3751); Piz Tschierva(3546)
| 3751
| 3072
| 37,7
| 3
| WS
| Bernin | ski high tour | success |
309 | 22.04.1995
| Gemsfairenstock
| 2972
| 1636
| 16,4
| 1
| EB
| Glarneralpe | ski high tour | success |
310 | 04.02.1995
| Wildhorn (BE)
| 3248
| 2158
| 28,2
| 2
| L
| Berneralp | ski high tour | success |
311 | 13.10.1994
| Versuch am Ojos del Salado (Abbruch wg. Wind)
| 6100
| 2065
| 26,4
| 4
| L
| Anden Bonete - P | high tour | retreat, other |
312 | 08.10.1994
| Cerro Corona (Atacama)
| 5291
| 891
| 5,0
| 1
| WS
| | mountain tour | success |
313 | 03.10.1994
| Tatio (Atacama)
| 5215
| 750
| 8,0
| 1
| L
| Cord. del Tatio, Cordi | mountain tour | success |
314 | 02.10.1994
| Cerro Jorquencal (Tatio, II.Region)
| 4971
| 501
| 4,0
| 1
| B
| Sierra de Chaxas, Cord | hike | success |
315 | 24.09.1994
| Piz Kesch (Es-cha)
| 3418
| 1302
| 18,4
| 2
| WS
| Albulagrup | high tour | success |
316 | 27.08.1994
| Piz Roseg von Coaz
| 3920
| 2595
| 47,1
| 2
| WS+
| Bernin | high tour | success |
317 | 22.07.1994
| Wellenkuppe (3903); Versuch Obergabelhorn
| 4010
| 2662
| 26,0
| 3
| ZS
| Walliseralp | high tour | retreat, other |
318 | 10.07.1994
| Galenstock(3583), Sidelenhorn(3217)
| 3583
| 1527
| 14,3
| 1
| WS
| Urneralpen Wes | high tour | success |
319 | 30.06.1994
| Versuch Matterhorn
| 4003
| 2612
| 25,8
| 2
| ZS-
| Walliseralp | high tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
320 | 01.05.1994
| Piz Bernina (Buuch)
| 4049
| 2293
| 30,3
| 2
| WS
| Bernin | ski high tour | success |
321 | 27.03.1994
| Piz Lagrev
| 3165
| 995
| 10,4
| 1
| EB
| Albulagrupp | high tour | success |
322 | 05.03.1994
| Churfirsten: Brisi
| 2279
| 1286
| 11,7
| 1
| EB
| Churfirstengrup | high tour | success |
323 | 26.02.1994
| P.Calderas (3397), Tsc. da Flix(3321), P.Surgonda(3197), P.Traunter Ovas (3151)
| 3397
| 2237
| 27,6
| 2
| EB
| Albulagrup | ski high tour | success |
324 | 12.02.1994
| Piz d'Err(3378), Piz Surgonda (3197)
| 3378
| 2289
| 31,0
| 2
| L-WS
| Albulagrup | ski high tour | success |
325 | 27.11.1993
| Piz Sardona
| 3056
| 1876
| 34,2
| 2
| L
| Glarneralp | ski high tour | success |
326 | 01.08.1993
| Pik Kommunismus (Borodkinpfeiler) im Alpinstil an 4 Tagen
| 7495
| 3855
| 35,4
| 5
| WS
| Pamir/Peter | expedition | success |
327 | 14.07.1993
| Pik Korzehenevskaja(7105), Pik Vorobjev(5691)
| 7105
| 9720
| 87,2
| 18
| WS
| Pami | expedition | success |
328 | 26.06.1993
| Alphubel SE-Grat
| 4206
| 2091
| 21,2
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
329 | 05.06.1993
| Lamsenspitze (Normalweg)
| 2508
| 1588
| 20,2
| 2
| L
| Karwende | mountain tour | success |
330 | 23.05.1993
| Piz Cambrena Eisnase (von Bernina suot)
| 3610
| 1480
| 13,0
| 1
| WS+
| Bernina | high tour | success |
331 | 18.05.1993
| Versuch am Piz Linard SW-Grat
| 3070
| 1731
| 16,7
| 1
| WS
| Silvretta | mountain tour | retreat, bad weather |
332 | 13.03.1993
| Piz Buin(3312), Piz Fliana(3287)
| 3312
| 2255
| 31,6
| 2
| WS
| Silvrett | ski high tour | success |
333 | 06.02.1993
| Versuch am Grand Combin (bis 3900m, Wetter)
| 3900
| 2825
| 33,6
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | retreat, bad weather |
334 | 31.01.1993
| Gletscher Ducan
| 3020
| 1495
| 18,8
| 1
| WS
| Albulagrupp | high tour | success |
335 | 16.01.1993
| Sulzfluh (Gemstobel)
| 2817
| 1513
| 18,0
| 2
| L
| | high tour | success |
336 | 26.09.1992
| Ringelspitz
| 3248
| 2227
| 28,2
| 2
| WS
| Glarneralp | mountain tour | success |
337 | 19.09.1992
| Versuch am Rochefortgrat
| 3900
| 671
| 7,2
| 2
| WS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | retreat, other |
338 | 12.09.1992
| Piz Morteratsch von Tschierva
| 3751
| 2622
| 37,4
| 2
| L
| Bernin | high tour | success |
339 | 22.08.1992
| Piz Campasc, Piz Alv
| 2975
| 1251
| 16,3
| 2
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
340 | 08.08.1992
| Gran Paradiso
| 4061
| 2261
| 21,8
| 2
| L-WS
| Grajische Alp | high tour | success |
341 | 13.07.1992
| Pik Lenin(7134), Pik Razdelnaja(6148)
| 7134
| 5976
| 103,1
| 16
| L-WS
| Pami | expedition | success |
342 | 27.06.1992
| Nadelhorn(Vers.); Ulrichshorn (3925)
| 3990
| 2405
| 21,3
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | Abbruch schlechte Verhältnisse
343 | 31.05.1992
| Falknis von St.Luzisteig (an 1 Tag)
| 2562
| 2091
| 18,4
| 1
| L
| | mountain tour | success |
344 | 04.01.1992
| Gemsfairenstock
| 2972
| 1839
| 25,7
| 2
| L
| Glarneralp | high tour | success |
345 | 23.11.1991
| Haldensteiner Calanda (Chur GR)
| 2806
| 2311
| 26,6
| 2
| EB
| Glarneralp | winter mountain tour | success |
346 | 26.10.1991
| Spitzmeilen, Weissmeilen
| 2501
| 1529
| 16,9
| 2
| L
| Glarneralp | mountain tour | success |
347 | 25.09.1991
| Sulzfluh von Tschagguns an 1 Nachmittag
| 2817
| 2207
| 26,1
| 1
| L-WS
| | mountain tour | success |
348 | 15.07.1991
| Barre des Ecrins - Dome de Neige
| 4015
| 2280
| 26,4
| 1
| WS
| Pelvoux | high tour | success |
349 | 06.07.1991
| Lyskamm Ostgrat (mit Seilbahn bis Pta.Indren)
| 4527
| 1299
| 14,8
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
350 | 30.05.1991
| Monte Rosa (Parrotspitze u.a., von Gressoney aus)
| 4432
| 2967
| 33,2
| 3
| WS+
| Walliseralp | ski high tour | success |
351 | 01.03.1991
| Ruderhofspitze
| 3473
| 2163
| 35,1
| 2
| WS
| Stubaier Alp | ski high tour | success |
352 | 20.10.1990
| Bishorn (Tracuit)
| 4153
| 2658
| 25,4
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
353 | 29.09.1990
| Gran Paradiso (von Pont aus an 1 Tag)
| 4061
| 2424
| 25,8
| 1
| ZS
| Grajische Alpe | high tour | success |
354 | 08.09.1990
| Zinalrothorn Normalweg; verschneit
| 4221
| 2875
| 24,8
| 3
| ZS+
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
355 | 01.09.1990
| Dom
| 4545
| 3308
| 22,8
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
356 | 04.08.1990
| Lagginhorn (von Saas Grund)
| 4010
| 2580
| 23,0
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
357 | 27.07.1990
| Aiguille de Bionnassay NW-Wand(Eiswand)-Mont Blanc
| 4807
| 3080
| 24,5
| 3
| ZS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | success |
358 | 14.07.1990
| Nadelhorn (Mischabel)
| 4327
| 2677
| 23,2
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
359 | 26.05.1990
| Ulrichshorn (Mischabel)
| 3925
| 2360
| 20,6
| 3
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
360 | 13.05.1990
| Falknis
| 2562
| 2091
| 18,4
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
361 | 17.03.1990
| Falknis
| 2562
| 2091
| 18,4
| 2
| WS
| | mountain tour | success |
362 | 13.01.1990
| Falknis
| 2562
| 2091
| 18,4
| 2
| L
| | winter mountain tour | success |
363 | 02.12.1989
| Weissmies (von Saas Almagell)
| 4023
| 2753
| 22,2
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | winter high tour | success |
364 | 16.09.1989
| Falknis
| 2562
| 2215
| 19,4
| 2
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
365 | 31.08.1989
| Castor von St-Jacques (AO) aus
| 4228
| 3305
| 37,3
| 4
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
366 | 21.08.1989
| Dufourspitze (Monte Rosa)
| 4634
| 5345
| 67,7
| 5
| WS+
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
367 | 22.07.1989
| Vogelberg, Gemskanzel (Rheinwald)
| 3218
| 2074
| 33,1
| 2
| L
| Adul | mountain tour | success |
368 | 15.07.1989
| Bishorn
| 4153
| 2618
| 26,5
| 2
| L
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
369 | 25.05.1989
| Versuch Grandes Jorasses Normalweg
| 2804
| 1414
| 12,6
| 2
| WS
| Mont Blanc-Gru | mountain tour | retreat, bad weather |
370 | 26.03.1989
| Piz Morteratsch von Pontresina aus
| 3751
| 2253
| 34,4
| 2
| ZS-S
| Bernin | winter high tour | success |
371 | 14.01.1989
| Piz Tschierva
| 3546
| 2033
| 32,2
| 2
| WS
| Bernin | winter high tour | success |
372 | 29.10.1988
| Monte Rosa: Vincentpyramide, von Gressoney aus
| 4260
| 3085
| 32,6
| 4
| L
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
373 | 22.10.1988
| Muttenbergen (Kistenpass) von Brigels
| 2956
| 1568
| 22,5
| 2
| WS
| Glarneralp | mountain tour | success |
374 | 08.09.1988
| Sengkuppe (Weissmiesgruppe) von Simplon-Dorf
| 3606
| 2456
| 21,9
| 3
| WS+
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
375 | 12.08.1988
| Mont Blanc von Chamonix - Grands Mulets
| 4807
| 4109
| 35,1
| 3
| Mont Blanc-Gru | high tour | success |
376 | 24.06.1988
| Selbsanft
| 3029
| 2924
| 39,4
| 1
| WS
| Glarneralp | mountain tour | success |
377 | 07.11.1987
| Monte Rosa: Parrotspitze u.a. von Gressoney aus
| 4432
| 3572
| 32,4
| 2
| WS+
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
378 | 01.11.1987
| Monte Rosa: Balmenhorn, von Gressoney aus
| 4167
| 2937
| 28,4
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
379 | 01.08.1987
| Sassal Mason (Berninapass)
| 3032
| 1737
| 17,1
| 1
| WS+
| Bernina | mountain tour | retreat, bad weather |
380 | 28.07.1987
| Piz Minor (Berninapass)
| 3049
| 984
| 8,5
| 1
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
381 | 12.07.1987
| Piz Platta (Avers GR)
| 3392
| 1782
| 17,1
| 1
| Averseralpe | high tour | success |
382 | 03.07.1987
| Galenstock (Furkapass)
| 3583
| 2303
| 18,3
| 3
| WS
| Urneralpen W | high tour | success |
383 | 17.06.1987
| Versuch Gran Paradiso (Abbr.Schneefall)
| 2775
| 1160
| 9,8
| 2
| B
| Grajische Alp | mountain tour | retreat, bad weather |
384 | 30.05.1987
| Ofenhorn (Binntal)
| 3235
| 2681
| 32,1
| 2
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
385 | 11.10.1986
| Galenstock (Furka)
| 3583
| 2339
| 30,7
| 2
| ZS-
| Urneralpen We | high tour | success |
386 | 03.10.1986
| Rimpfischhorn (von Mattmark)
| 4155
| 2526
| 29,4
| 3
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
387 | 20.09.1986
| Piz Cambrena vom Lago Bianco aus
| 3610
| 2496
| 19,4
| 2
| Bernin | high tour | success |
388 | 14.09.1986
| Piz Julier vom Julierpass
| 3380
| 1404
| 10,5
| 1
| L
| Albulagrupp | mountain tour | success |
389 | 30.08.1986
| Piz Kesch von Chamanna d'Es-cha
| 3418
| 1878
| 23,9
| 2
| ZS
| Albulagrup | high tour | success |
390 | 23.08.1986
| Gran Paradiso von Pont an 1 Tag
| 4061
| 2421
| 19,1
| 2
| WS-
| Grajische Alp | high tour | success |
391 | 09.08.1986
| Muttenhorn (Furka)
| 3099
| 1004
| 11,2
| 1
| WS+
| Gotthardgru | mountain tour | success |
392 | 18.07.1986
| Strahlhorn NE-Grat von Mattmark aus
| 4190
| 4503
| 39,5
| 6
| ZS
| Walliseral | high tour | success |
393 | 26.06.1986
| Tristelhorn, Piz Sardona u.a.
| 3114
| 3995
| 56,1
| 2
| WS
| Glarneralp | mountain tour | success |
394 | 22.06.1986
| Clariden (Iswandli)
| 3268
| 2040
| 24,6
| 1
| WS
| Glarneralpe | high tour | success |
395 | 28.09.1985
| Diechterhorn
| 3389
| 2137
| 22,7
| 2
| WS+
| Urneralpen We | high tour | success |
396 | 21.09.1985
| Weissmies von Saas Almagell in 1 Tag
| 4023
| 2910
| 25,0
| 2
| ZS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
397 | 15.06.1985
| Allalinhorn Hohlaubgrat (viel Schnee)
| 4027
| 2577
| 20,6
| 3
| ZS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
398 | 01.06.1985
| Sustenhorn von Kehlenalp aus
| 3504
| 2377
| 26,8
| 2
| WS
| Urneralpen We | high tour | success |
399 | 13.10.1984
| Piz Sardona, Piz Segnas
| 3099
| 2205
| 38,0
| 2
| WS
| Glarneralp | mountain tour | success |
400 | 31.08.1984
| Weissmies von Saas Almagell
| 4023
| 2732
| 30,2
| 3
| WS
| Walliseralp | high tour | success |
401 | 18.08.1984
| Scherhorn von Klausenpass
| 3294
| 1768
| 25,0
| 2
| WS
| Glarneralp | high tour | success |
402 | 28.07.1984
| Rheinwaldhorn, Piz de Stabi, Vogelberg
| 3402
| 4533
| 51,1
| 3
| S-
| Adul | high tour | success |
403 | 02.06.1984
| Falknis
| 2562
| 2263
| 19,5
| 2
| L
| | mountain tour | success |
404 | 04.07.1982
| Piz Buin u.a. (Silvrettadurchquerung)
| 3312
| 4269
| 91,5
| 5
| WS
| Silvret | mountain tour | success |
405 | 30.05.1982
| Schesaplana (m.Seilb.)
| 2965
| 1086
| 14,1
| 2
| EB
| | mountain tour | success |
406 | 14.07.1981
| Hoher Riffler
| 3168
| 1625
| 18,0
| 4
| L-WS
| Verwal | mountain tour | success |
Type of tour: I distinguish the following types of tours in the table:
- hike - on trails, without technical difficulty
- hut tour - tour only with a hut as destination
- mountain tour - usual mountaineering trip mosty without trail
- ski tour - mostly with ski
- expedition - expedition style trip with long duration (use of base camp and high camps)
"Winter" means in case of mountain tours and hikes that everything was on snow. (Winter high tours are on foot.)
"High" denotes trips that (in summer as well as winter)
- lead above the average summer snowline (Alps: about 3000-3200 m), or
- contain a significant part of glacier travel, or
- lead to an altitide of more than 5000 m.
You can see the difficulty ratings on a separate page.
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